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  • Writer's pictureSienna

Red Pepper, Spinach, and Feta Quiche

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Happy Friday everyone! I'm ending this week with a light and simple quiche. The red peppers make it a little sweet and add a lovely color, the spinach provides some much needed vitamins and minerals, while the feta gives the dish a richness and tang. I also took the opportunity to utilize some of the fresh herbs from my garden, because who doesn't love a whole lot of fresh basil in, well, anything?

Is anyone else ready for Summer to be over? I am lusting for Fall over here. It's been a fairly hot summer in Sacramento. As I write this, it's currently 103°F! I'm sure when it's 65°F and overcast, I'll be singing a different tune, but for now, I'm not liking the heat.

I'm also enjoying the last little bits of my Spring and Summer garden. This year was my first garden, and I thought it was somewhat successful. Seemingly, herbs, squash, and peppers are in my wheelhouse. Everything else... not so much. I'd like to give a special shout out to the squirrels that keep eating all my tomatoes! I guess I'll have to find some way to keep them out of next year's crop. Now it's time to plan my Fall and Winter garden, which is going to have a lot more herbs, cabbage, lettuce, and root vegetables. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

I digress, let's get back to the quiche. I'd have to say it was a real hit! I made it for Nolan's birthday brunch and he really enjoyed it. I loved it, too. Chole, however, gave it an 8. She said it could use some meat. Typical!

I tried to keep this recipe lighter than some other quiches, which is why it's not heavy on the dairy. I also opted for some non-dairy milk and loaded up on the veggies to make it a little healthier. Feel free to use regular milk and swap the veggies out for other ingredients like bacon or sausage if you'd prefer. I always encourage creativity in the kitchen! I'd just recommend keeping the ratio of liquids to solids the same so you dont have to fiddle with the cooking time on the recipe if you do.


Red Pepper, Spinach, and Feta Quiche

Servings: 6

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Total Time: 55 minutes


  • 1 store bought pie crust

  • 2 tsp olive oil

  • 1 red bell pepper, diced

  • 2 cups fresh spinach

  • ⅓ cup feta cheese, crumbled

  • 6 eggs

  • ½ cup milk of choice (I used unsweetened original almond milk)

  • 2 tbsp fresh basil, chopped

  • 2 tsp salt

  • 1 tsp pepper

  • ½ tsp garlic powder

  • ½ tsp onion powder


  1. Preheat your oven to 400°F.

  2. Grease a pie tin with cooking spray and unroll your pie crust to fit inside the tin. Set that aside.

  3. In a medium sized skillet on medium heat, add your olive oil to the pan along with your bell peppers. Cook them until they start to brown and get soft. About 10 minutes.

  4. Then, add your spinach to the skillet. Cook the spinach down for 2-3 minutes. Season the veggies with a pinch of salt and pepper. Pour the veggies into the pie crust.

  5. Next, add the feta cheese to your pie crust. Sprinkle it around evenly. Set that aside.

  6. In a large bowl, add your eggs, milk, basil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder and whisk until well incorporated. Pour your egg mixture into the pie crust.

  7. Bake the quiche for 20-25 minutes.

  8. Serve while warm and enjoy!

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